“The Turkey Season” Alice Munro


Whether it's Alva's job in a summer resort in "Sunday Afternoon" or Edie looking after the kids and doing what needs doing in "How I Met My Husband", Alice Munro captures the twinned knowingness and vulnerability of a girl in her first job. Few other authors (Alissa York would be

“The Turkey Season” Alice Munro2014-03-20T20:05:12-04:00

Aifric Campbell’s On the Floor (2012)


This was one of the first Orange Prize nominees that I bought. Last year, two debut novels on the longlist made my personal shortlist. (Anna Peile's and Samantha Hunt's) Serpent's Tail, 2012 I had high hopes for this novel and, in many ways, I was rewarded for my

Aifric Campbell’s On the Floor (2012)2014-03-17T15:44:49-04:00

Ann Patchett’s State of Wonder (2011)


Ann Patchett's works have long had the attention of the Orange Prize juries. The Magician's Assistant was shortlisted for the 1998 Orange Prize, and Bel Canto won in 2002; it wasn't surprising to see State of Wonder make the jury's shortlist in 2012. The most striking element of the novel is its

Ann Patchett’s State of Wonder (2011)2014-03-17T15:39:51-04:00

Thoughts on Three Contenders: Tournament of Books


Teju Cole, Open City Recorded Books, 2011 Reader: Kevin Mambo It was fitting that this was my first audiobook of 2012; I was walking the streets of my own city, listening to this story, while the narrator, Julius, was walking the streets of New York City. He is walking, the birds

Thoughts on Three Contenders: Tournament of Books2021-07-02T16:34:21-04:00

María Dueñas’ The Time In Between (2011)


The Time In Between is essential reading for those who thought that reading about the Spanish Civil War meant Hemingway and Orwell. In her lush and sprawling novel, María Dueñas presents the era via the perspective of  "an independent woman in difficult times". There was no room for a seamstress like

María Dueñas’ The Time In Between (2011)2014-03-15T19:29:28-04:00
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