Sometimes jazz plays. Sometimes there is cake.


Touchstone - S&S, 2013 How many women have read Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s classic A Gift from the Sea. Nodding along with passages that could have been pulled from their own musings and diary pages. “Don't wish me happiness. I don't expect to be happy…. It's gotten beyond that,

Sometimes jazz plays. Sometimes there is cake.2014-07-11T17:07:10-04:00

Rebecca Mead’s My Life in Middlemarch (2014)


Within pages, the bookish will find a niche to inhabit in Rebecca Mead's book, in much the same way that the author has inhabited the pages of Middlemarch. Bond Street Books - Doubleday, 2014 Perhaps not in exactly the same way, for as the author posits, that particularly

Rebecca Mead’s My Life in Middlemarch (2014)2014-06-26T15:04:21-04:00

Priscila Uppal’s Projection (2013)


At twenty-eight years old, Priscila Uppal meets her mother in Brazil, twenty years after her mother has abandoned daughter-son-husband. Two decades later, their relationship is a complicated one between near-strangers. They spend twelve days together and the experience is shared in Projection within a framework of movie titles. This organizing

Priscila Uppal’s Projection (2013)2014-06-26T14:55:43-04:00

“Rich as Stink” Alice Munro


In "Save the Reaper" and "The Children Stay" readers are directed to wonder what young children remember of their parents' shenanigans, but in this story readers inhabit Karin's perspective. Karin is certainly old enough to actively observe and contemplate the events unfolding around her (although from a girl's perspective, so

“Rich as Stink” Alice Munro2014-07-11T16:57:30-04:00

Margaret Drabble’s The Pure Gold Baby (2013)


One might say that the narrator of Margaret Drabble's novel is an anthropologist of sorts. Perhaps that would be misleading, however: "Anthropology is full of strange spirit stories, about shamans and witchcraft and night ridings and animal shape-shiftings, stories which hover between myth and fairytale and religion and tribal memories

Margaret Drabble’s The Pure Gold Baby (2013)2019-08-07T09:52:51-04:00
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