Letters Between Canadian Writers


This from Hugh MacLennan to young Marian Engel in 1956: "If I can be of any help to you, don't hesitate to write and tell me so. I'm cynical about theses, having done one myself, but I suppose they are necessary if you can avoid taking them too seriously." University

Letters Between Canadian Writers2014-03-23T08:42:28-04:00

I’m late to the Ideal Bookshelf party, but a grateful guest


More than a hundred contributors chose books to fill their ideal bookshelves to make up this volume (edited by Thessaly La Force, artwork by Jane Mount). I spent weeks browsing through the pages, amused to find that sometimes the shelves of the writers I'd eagerly anticipated when I saw their

I’m late to the Ideal Bookshelf party, but a grateful guest2014-03-23T08:31:13-04:00

Lauren B. Davis’ The Empty Room (2013)


"No, drinking oneself to death took too long." Harper Collins, 2013 Ironically, Colleen thinks this almost at the end of Lauren B. Davis' The Empty Room. But once a reader has resolved to begin, the narrative is so tightly constructed that readers are as caught in the momentum

Lauren B. Davis’ The Empty Room (2013)2021-07-02T16:34:34-04:00

“Differently” Alice Munro


Alice Munro is capable of spinning readers away from the salient detail of Austin's death in a story like "Pictures of the Ice". 1990; Penguin, 1991 Yet, she is equally capable of writing an opening which cannot be set aside and which demands rereading as the story unfolds,

“Differently” Alice Munro2014-07-11T17:16:22-04:00

Lynn Crosbie’s Life Is About Losing Everything (2012)


"You don't know how to life your life anymore and you start drowning in it." House of Anansi, 2012 That's the thing about depression, Lynn Crosbie explains in an interview with Shelagh Rogers on CBC Radio. She describes what happens when you really start looking at the world, with

Lynn Crosbie’s Life Is About Losing Everything (2012)2020-09-30T08:28:15-04:00
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