Louise Doughty’s A Novel in a Year (2007)


Louise Doughty’s A Novel in a Year (2007) Pocket Books - Simon & Schuster 2008 Feeling indecisive about where to jump in with Louise Doughty's fiction (news about her appearance at the festival this year brought her work to my attention), I gravitated towards her one non-fiction book. If you're

Louise Doughty’s A Novel in a Year (2007)2014-03-09T19:26:17-04:00

Michael Winter’s This All Happened (2000)


Michael Winter's This All Happened: A Fictional Memoir House of Anansi, 2000 Gabriel English was also the protagonist of Michael Winter's short story collection One Last Good Look. I realized this after I had finished this novel and felt a little badly. As though I'd arrived significantly late for an

Michael Winter’s This All Happened (2000)2014-03-09T19:04:52-04:00

Gangsters, hotdogs and suicides


Shaughnessy Bishop-Stall's Ghosted Random House 2010 Reasons (Not necessarily good ones) that I didn’t expect to like Ghosted: 1. These words on the flyleaf: gangster, hotdogs, suicide, heroin-smoking, tragedies (bit redundant, eh); 2. Ray Robertson’s blurb beginning with “Lean and mean and...” (though ending “with a surprising amount of heart”);

Gangsters, hotdogs and suicides2014-07-11T17:20:45-04:00

William Kotzwinkle’s The Bear Went Over the Mountain (1996)


William Kotzwinkle The Bear Went Over the Mountain Henry Holt, 1996 This one came my way via a recommendation from Corey Redekop when I was chattering about bookish fiction. At first I was really excited about it, but, when I got my copy and saw the blurb on the back

William Kotzwinkle’s The Bear Went Over the Mountain (1996)2014-03-09T17:11:57-04:00

Nicole Brossard’s Fences in Breathing (2007)


Nicole Brossard's Fences in Breathing, Translated from the French (2007), Susanne de Lotbiniere-Harwood Coach House Books, 2009 Today's bookish book was an easy choice because I had chosen Nicole Brossard as one of the writers whose feminist writing I wanted to explore for this year's Women Unbound Reading Challenge and

Nicole Brossard’s Fences in Breathing (2007)2014-03-09T16:22:33-04:00
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