Shadow Giller: Sheila Heti’s Motherhood (2018)


As I was saying, my Shadow Giller reviews will appear in a slightly different format: first, In Short, a 300-word and spoiler-free summary, intended to have a broad appeal, and, next, In Detail, which will expound upon one aspect of the book which I found remarkable (but which might

Shadow Giller: Sheila Heti’s Motherhood (2018)2018-11-05T19:17:38-05:00

Carol Shields’ The Box Garden (1977)


Event hosted by Kaggsy's Ramblings Stuck in a Book #1977Club So much good women's fiction from 1977, from Margaret Atwood's Dancing Girls to Marilyn French's The Women's Room. But I reread Carol Shields' Unless last year and I wanted to reread another of hers. Enter, The

Carol Shields’ The Box Garden (1977)2018-04-18T07:56:10-04:00

Marian Engel’s No Clouds of Glory #1968club


If Marian Engel had not died mid-career, her name might have been as well known today as Margaret Atwood's today. Instead her name graces an award granted to a Canadian female writer mid-career by the Writers' Trust. A variety of forms, a strong feminist voice, challenging female characters, a fascination

Marian Engel’s No Clouds of Glory #1968club2017-10-30T08:13:14-04:00

Looking for Light: Humour in the Stacks (6 Reads)


Do you ever feel the weight of your stack? Many of the books I've been reading have been rigorous and demanding. Commodore Ajith Boyagoda's story of imprisonment in Sri Lanka, Marcelino Truong's memories of coming-of-age in Vietnam between 1961 and 1963, Shirin Ebadi's work for human rights in Iran, Solmaz

Looking for Light: Humour in the Stacks (6 Reads)2017-10-06T17:25:32-04:00

Rachel Cusk’s Outline (2014) and Transit (2017)


Readers meet a woman up in the air. Literally. She is flying to Athens, where she will teach a course in creative writing. This is Outline. Perhaps partly because she could instruct in the art of outlining, demonstrate for her students the art of constructing a framework on which

Rachel Cusk’s Outline (2014) and Transit (2017)2017-10-25T16:47:19-04:00
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