Life on Mars, Again and Again


When you've looked up a book title, have you ever been tempted by the other books you've found with the same title as the book for which you were searching? In adding Lori McNulty's debut short story collection to my online TBR list, I discovered several other books with the same

Life on Mars, Again and Again2017-07-24T15:24:28-04:00

Mazo de la Roche’s Ringing the Changes (1957)


When I first peeked into the Jalna books, I discovered that Mazo de la Roche's biographers depended heavily upon Ringing the Changes, her autobiography, which I was pleased to find in the library. It's that kind of old book whose pages have been turned so often that they are softer

Mazo de la Roche’s Ringing the Changes (1957)2021-07-02T16:34:42-04:00

In My Reading Log, December 2016


Once again, my idea of reading more non-fiction this year didn't materialize. During Non-Fiction November, so many people were actually reading books that I have been meaning to read but I picked up a novel or collection instead. Nonetheless, I've squeezed in a few. Julia Shaw's The Memory Illusion (2016) Memory

In My Reading Log, December 20162019-03-20T14:34:48-04:00

Alice Mattison’s The Kite and the String (2016)


It's not meant to be complicated. "I hope to help you think about your writing, and to approach the task with more confidence, excitement, and hope." That's Alice Mattison's intent. But of course it is complicated. Which is why there are countless books about the craft of writing. Viking -

Alice Mattison’s The Kite and the String (2016)2016-10-12T17:16:00-04:00

Kate Taylor’s Serial Monogamy (2016)


"My books aren’t romances per se; they don’t even necessarily feature happy endings any more, they just conclude with hopeful moments that allow the reader to decide whether widows have the strength to go on or divorced dads find love for a second time." And there is nothing romantic about the

Kate Taylor’s Serial Monogamy (2016)2024-05-31T18:58:51-04:00
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